We understand and respect the fact that patients today are more well informed and interested in their medical care than at any time in history, and we know that you have the right to demand and expect at least a basic understanding of any medical condition you may suffer from. We have seen a common problem in that in many office environments, doctors may be pressured by time constraints, and bored by the repetition of similar questions, over and over.There you as the patient may feel rushed and unsatisfied and often your most basic questions and concerns may not be adequately addressed.
What is "Sclerotherapy"? Sclerotherapy is a common and safe office procedure. We have performed this procedure more than 200,000 times. Sclerotherapy takes from one to six months depending on the number of veins present, followed by annual checkups. Sclerotherpay is performed in the office. During the visit, your doctor will cleanse the area where the veins are with an antiseptic solution.
Outpatient surgery for varicose veins is a procedure that takes from one to two hours and can be done under spinal, epidural, or general anesthesia. After your surgery, a soft bulky dressing is used to wrap the leg. This dressing will remain on the leg for three days, after which it will be removed in the office.
Varicose veins are the largest of the abnormal veins. They are greater than 2mm in diameter, and appear as blue-green bulges which may be noticeable upon standing. If they are flat they may be referred to as reticular veins. Varicose veins can cause burning, itching, aching, swelling, and changes in the general health of your skin.
Your first visit to our office will involve a thorough evaluation by one of our doctors. We will perform an extensive venous mapping of the problem areas documenting the vein characteristics and sizes. If indicated, a venous plethysmography and venous duplex imaging examination will be completed. The former test is a painless test, which can quantify the magnitude of your disease and help to localize the group of veins responsible. The latter exam is also a painless test, which is similar to an ultrasound.

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