Dr. Joe Gonzalez is a podiatrist practicing in the Lansing and surrounding Mid-Michigan areas Okemos, St. Johns & Grand Ledge. Dr. Gonzalez is a foot surgeon, Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery. Our mission is to make your whole healing process as easy as possible, in order to save you time and relieve your foot & ankle problems as speedily and efficiently as possible.
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Although I was trained in all aspects of reconstructive foot & ankle surgery at a Level-I trauma center in downtown Chicago and am Board Certified in Foot Surgery, I still enjoy the basics of podiatry, both conservative and surgical, including bunion & hammertoe surgery and diabetic foot care. I also enjoy the challenges of treating foot problems in runners.
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Here you will be able to make a CONFIRMED appointment through our online program. You will also be able to reschedule or cancel confirmed appointments. All of this will be done using a secure server in our CLIENT PORTAL to protect your privacy. Unfortunately, we do not participate in any MEDICAID programs. So we will be unable to see anyone with Mclaren Medicaid, PHP Family Care, Ingham Health Plan.
Dr. Gonzalez specializes in surgical correction of bunion deformities. He likes to evaluate each bunion and apply the appropriate procedure necessary to correct the bunion. All of his bunion surgery procedures are performed as out-patient procedures under IV Sedation with Local Anesthesia (MAC Anesthesia), so there are no tubes down the patient's throat.

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