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BoardCertified.com is one of the largest online communities of board-certified physicians connecting more patients directly with doctors than almost any other network. With board-certification considered the "gold standard" when it comes to differentiating doctors, patients now have easy access and confidence that they will find the best options in their community.
A. Edward Abrou, MD, FAAD Dr. Abrou is fellowship-trained Mohs micrographic surgeon from Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. THE DELLON INSTITUTES FOR PERIPHERAL NERVE SURGERY specialize in correcting difficult peripheral nerve problems. Dr. A. Michael Sadove is a board certified Plastic Surgeon with Meridian Plastic Surgeons in Indianapolis.
A. BoardCertified.com is an Internet Directory containing information on over 700,000 physicians and 6,000 hospitals. The primary purpose of this user-friendly website is to search for and identify physicians in any area of medical specialty by name or geography, as well as providing supporting information on procedures and treatments.
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