Doctors who understand the processes and choices which have led you to your current condition;. A time-proven system of medicine so comprehensive that solutions to this era's most puzzling dilemmas are intrinsically etched within its principles;. Consistent, reliable guidance in taking conscious control of your own health choices - the simple, yet profound, decisions which determine your daily experience.
You'll be amazed as this medicine repeatedly reveals that discomforts and dis-ease commonly accepted as an integral part of being a woman or a man in the world today are not that at all.
You'll be amazed as this medicine repeatedly reveals that discomforts and dis-ease commonly accepted as an integral part of being a woman or a man in the world today are not that at all.
To ease your search, let's examine the ingredients most likely to bring success to your quest for relief. Armed with this information, one is well-equipped to begin the ongoing journey to high level wellness. At various points in this journey, other sections of this web site may be of service to you.
At Future Medicine Now we are continually reminded that our concept of good health does not match that of the general public. Good health, like reality itself, is a 'now' kind of affair. We create and re-create throughout the day, making choices which either enhance our health or add another brick to the wall which separates us from that goal.
In our previous discussion, we examined the vantage points and enduring objectives of both conventional western medicine and Oriental Medicine, and how the difference between them defines what each culture considers good health. If you're satisfied with your definition, great. If, however, it leaves you a little uncomfortable, then perhaps a change in worldview is in order.
In the discussion on how to obtain good health, tangential mention was made of westerners as health care clients. In order to intelligently view the subject of payment, we must look a little deeper into this phenomenon. Regardless of our personal beliefs, we live within the influence of a Judeo-Christian culture.

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