This web site is an independent site designed for providing you up-to-date information on Dermatology and skin care. We are unable to respond to individual requests for medical advice. You are best advised to seek the expert opinion of a Dermatologist in your area for any skin disorder or problem that you may have. I created this website in 2001, when google was still in its infancy and there was a need for a portal site for dermatology. Nowadays, some of the pages of this website may seem outdated and unfortunately, I don't have time to update it regularly.
Perfect skin is probably the most highly desired element of beauty. There are many factors that affect on our skin. In fact genetics play a big part, but stress, sun exposure and smoking are among the other important factors. Below, some beauty notes may help you in achieving a healthy skin. Changes induced by sunlight are the major factor in causing alterations in the skin that contribute to the appearance of aging.
During the past several weeks, we attended two International meetings; The 8th International Congress of Iranian Society of Dermatology and the 5th EADV spring Symposium. Again, the most valuable gaining was meeting friends and finding new ones! The first world congress of teledermatology was another opportunity for me to be in Graz again with my very nice friends from the department of dermatology at LKH.
NLM is the world's largest biomedical library and covers topics from medical history through biotechnology. The objective of the WHO is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level health. Health, as defined in the WHO Constitution, is a state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

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