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Top Doctors & Clinics in Mishawaka, IN

A comprehensive list of Mishawaka, IN physicians, doctors & medical clinics, centers and hospitals. Read unbiased patient reviews and recommendations of local physicians.

D.O.'s use hand-on treatment (OMT) to diagnose, treat and even prevent illness and injury. At Corrective Care, we believe there's more to good health than the absence of pain or disease. We focus on prevention by gaining a deeper understanding of your lifestyle and environment, rather than just treating your symptoms.
Samuel Pierce — I was referred to Dr. Cantieri for neck/shoulder pain. I explained to him during intake that I had one or more pinched nerves
Radiology, Inc. has been proudly serving the imaging needs of our community since 1904 and has more Board Certified, subspecialty-trained radiologists than any other group in the Michiana area. Our Physicians provide services in diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. Diagnostic radiology includes a broad range of imaging methods to evaluate the body for possible injury, disease or dysfunction