In 1982, Ferre expanded its mission by adding a groundbreaking community genetics program based in Binghamton, NY. Family building services such as adoption education were added in the 1990's. In 2002, a preexisting teratogen information service, the Pregnancy Risk Network, merged with Ferre adding another dimension to our mission of providing the most current and balanced medical information to clients facing complex medical decisions.
Ferre Genetics has pioneered a unique approach to comprehensive genetic services.
Ferre Genetics has pioneered a unique approach to comprehensive genetic services.
As an independent, community based and community supported program, we rely on support from grants and donors like you. Our genetics program provides comprehensive genetic counseling and gene testing coordination. We actively provide medical professional education and many public lectures across the region.
In New York state, we provide genetic counseling services in Binghamton, Mohawk Valley, Capital District, North Country and the Southern Tier. If you already have an appointment with us, it is important for you to know which of our offices you are scheduled to be seen in. For assistance with driving directions, please call 607-724-4308.
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