Vivian Varese, MD is a physician who specializes in functional medicine in Acton, Massachusetts. Dr. Varese has been in private practice since 1984 dedicated in her work as a healer physician. Emphasis has always been to educate and empower each person to select the best path toward the highest level of well-being that is desired.
Rachel Varitimos — I called to get information and explain what I was looking for. I was not listened to AT ALL. In fact, her husband just kept
Check with your insurance about your coverage. Dr. Raj Devarajan, gastroenterologist at Middlesex Digestive Health & Endoscopy Center in Acton, MA, talks about the importance of routine colonoscopy screening even during the pandemic. Our Acton gastroenterologists and staff at Middlesex Gastroenterology, P.C., and Middlesex Digestive Health & Endoscopy Center are dedicated to providing quality, affordable
Holly Young — They aren't in the business of helping people. Four years and I'm still have symptoms that are just getting more acute. Told
At Acton Medical Associates, effective communication and thoughtful decision-making are essential parts of our philosophy. Our private practice is small enough for investing in patient relationships but large enough to meet patients' medical needs.
Jude Ricester — Seems like the goal is NOT to talk to patients in person, or to see patients that might be sick. The website is sending us