It is our mission to offer highest quality healthcare to all in Northeastern North Carolina in a culturally sensitive, respectful manner with a special emphasis on reaching the underserved. Rural Health Group, Inc. is a non-profit, federally qualified community health center dedicated to providing primary medical care, dental care, and other health-related services to our region's underserved.
Founded in 1974, Rural Health Group, Inc. grew out of a community collaboration of concerned citizens to provide low-cost and free health care services to people living in Northeastern North Carolina.
Founded in 1974, Rural Health Group, Inc. grew out of a community collaboration of concerned citizens to provide low-cost and free health care services to people living in Northeastern North Carolina.
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In order to provide the best patient care possible, Rural Health Group has paired each patient with a specific provider. This allows the provider and the patient to work together as a team to solve health related issues. How? By seeing the same provider over the course of time the provider has the opportunity to become familiar with your medical history.
Does RHG share its clinical quality results? How transparent is RHG? Yes! As a federally qualified health center and a patient-centered medical home, RHG is committed to transparency and publicly sharing the results of its clinical quality program. How is RHG different from other providers? We are a community-owned and operated non-profit health care center.
We're currently seeking American Indian, Latino and youth patients interested in volunteering to serve on our Board of Directors. Hold a position on one of the committees (Strategic Planning/Quality Improvement/Nominating/Personnel/By-Laws/Finance/Executive). The Rural Health Group Board of Directors meets regularly, generally on the fourth Thursday of the month.
At Rural Health Group, excellent patient care is our first priority. In order to better serve our new patients we have posted new patient packets for both our medical and dental practices. By filling out these packets in advance and presenting them at the time of your appointment, you can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend in the waiting room.

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