Synthesizing transpersonal psychology, clinical and Ericksonian hypnosis, medical hypnotherapy, NLP, past life regression, spiritual principles, shamanism and intuition. Understanding and Using the Power of Your Intuition by Anne Salisbury, Ph.D. Intuitive Skills I: Tools for Life Enhance your practice. Learn self hypnosis through CDs guided meditations and meditation music.
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Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is described as a natural extension of Transpersonal Psychology which incorporates the methods of all four waves of psychology. The first wave, Psychoanalytic theory developed by Freud and then Jung, deals with the unconscious mind and underlying issues. In hypnosis, this is called hypnoanalysis: we examine the root causes of our problems.
The online home study format is used now by universities nationwide as a major instructional tool. Learn at your own pace from the comfort of home. Watch engaging videos and read stimulating materials whenever and wherever you want, learning something new every time. The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute's online trainings can be described as hypnosis and hypnotherapy online training, home study training, distance education, distance learning, at a distance training, correspondence course and independent study.
What is the truth about online hypnosis and hypnotherapy home study education, distance learning, correspondence courses?. Quality online videos of live trainings which include lectures, demonstrations, group discussions and zoom-in shots to observe subtle shifts. Professional supervision and feedback on audios of practice sessions from a trained staff member.
Enhance your professional practice, improve your job performance, change careers, grow spiritually and personally. Take Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute's online home study hypnotherapy courses to change or improve your career and your life. Enhance Your Professional Practice: Whether you are a psychotherapist, massage therapist or health care practitioner you can successfully incorporate Transpersonal Hypnotherapy into your practice. This effective brief therapy appeals to both new and old clients, thereby increasing your practice and income.
Answer: You want to begin with Fundamentals of Hypnosis (the 25 hour introductory course) OR the professional course, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (150 hour course for seeing clients). You can also begin with Intuitive Skills 1 (20 hours) to practice simple techniques to become more grounded and focused in your daily life and with clients.

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